
Can Be Cured Genital Warts In Women

Genital warts (sometimes called condylomata acuminata or venereal warts) are single or multiple bumps that appear in the genital areas of men and women including the vagina, cervix, penis, and rectum. Like warts that appear on other areas of your skin, genital warts are caused by a virus called HPV.
Genital warts can be treated, and probably cured in some cases. A “cure” means that the virus is gone. There is no reliable way to determine whether or not the HPV virus is gone. Treatments are effective at getting rid of the visible warts, but the virus may persist in the skin, and cause new warts to develop months or years later.
If you or your sexual partner has warts that are visible in the genital area, you should avoid any sexual contact until the warts are treated. Condoms may reduce the risk of spread. Be aware that people with no visible warts may be infected with the HPV virus (they may not even be aware themselves that they have it) and spread it to you.
How can you avoid genital warts?
Get vaccinated against HPV.
Certain types of HPV vaccines protect against the low-risk HPV that causes 90% of genital warts.
HPV vaccine is safe for all females 9 to 26 years old.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends all 11-12 year old girls get the HPV vaccine.
Avoid sexual contact.
Have safer sex:
Reduce the number of sexual partners.
Condoms, when used correctly, can reduce the risk of getting HPV. But, condoms may not cover all infected areas. Each time you have sex use a condom (male or female type):
Before vaginal sex
Before anal sex
Before oral sex
Have sex with only one partner who does not have sex with others and does not have HPV.
Know that other forms of birth control do not protect against HPV.

- See more at: http://www.publichealth.va.gov/infectiondontpassiton/womens-health-guide/stds/genital-warts.asp#sthash.8ZDA2skH.dpuf

What are signs of genital warts in women?

Genital warts are usually flesh-colored growths that may be raised or flat, single or multiple, small or large. But even after seeing pictures, you may not be able to recognize genital warts because they don’t always look the same.
Approximately 90% of all genital warts are caused by HPV Types 6 and 11. Approximately 3 out of 4 people will get them after having any kind of genital contact with someone infected.
Genital warts can grow anywhere in the genital area:
In the vagina
Around the vaginal opening
On the cervix (the opening to the womb)
On the groin
In or around the anus
In the mouth or throat (rare)
Genital warts:
Can be any size – from so small they can't be seen, to big clusters and lumps
Can be smooth with a "mosaic" pattern or bumpy like a cauliflower
Are soft, moist and flesh-colored
Can cause itching, burning or pain
Not all HPV infections cause genital warts. HPV infections often do not have any signs that you can see or feel. Some HPV infections can be more serious, seeHPV.

Even if you can't see any genital warts, you could still have an HPV infection.
Diagnosing of  Genital Warts
Diagnosing genital warts can be tricky, because people are often too embarrassed to consult their GP. Since genital warts are not always visible to the naked eye, your doctor might have to carry out tests to determine whether you are infected or not or not. If you're worried that you might have genital warts, it is important to get a professional diagnosis as soon as possible. This will preserve both your peace of mind and your health.

If your doctor needs further tests to determine whether you're infected, he may need to perform a biopsy (i.e. take a sample of tissue from the wart or “suspicious” skin area) and send it to a lab for analysis. This will help detect signs of genital or cervical cancers. For people who are considered “at risk” and who have been diagnosed with HPV, it is important to have regular check-ups (including a biopsy) to make sure that everything is fine.

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