
Early Stage Pictures of Genital Warts

Genital warts are the result of a person becoming infected with a very specific type of virus. In most cases this is because a person has contracted some form of the herpes virus. When a person enters the first stage of a genital wart infection, they very well could experience no symptoms. A person could be infected with genital warts for anywhere from two months up to nine months and not have a single wart appear on the body. At some point (depending on the person) the skin will become red and a person will feel an itchy sensation in the area that has become infected. It is at this first sign of irritation that a person should consult a licensed physician for recommendations on medical treatment.
In women, genital warts appear inside and outside of the vagina and inner thighs. They can also appear on the anal region, growing in and outside of the anus. In men, genital warts can appear on the penis, scrotum, testicles, anus, groin and thighs.

Pictures of Genital Warts

Recommended home treatment for genital warts in woman
I would like to recommend Keyouwang which is popular inChina. Since 2005, it helps millions of genital warts patients get rid of genital warts. More information www.genitalwartsclear.com

Pictures for genital warts in women

Genital warts is a sexually transmitted disease which is spread through sexual contact. Getting genital warts is embarrassing. For woman, what is the signs of early stage genital warts? The following is picture and test information on early stage genital warts in women.
Woman may experience
Silent symptoms : there are no early signs of genital warts which usually takes from three weeks to three months for any signs or symptoms to develop. The silent symptoms make it very hard to know when someone has genital warts or not.
Small hard bumps: some people may experience small, hard, white bumps around the genital areas. These small, white, hard bumps will appear to be pimples, but cannot be busted. The bumps may also be a pinkish color or appear in a cauliflower shape. They can appear single or in bunches. These visible bumps can itch but are usually painless; they can be anywhere on the male or female genitals or around the anus.
Uncomfortable symptoms: In rare occasions, a person will have an itching or burning sensation when they engage in sexual intercourse.

The pictures of early stage genital warts in women

Recommended home treatment for genital warts in woman
I would like to recommend Keyouwang which is popular inChina. Since 2005, it helps millions of genital warts patients get rid of genital warts. More information www.genitalwartsclear.com

Recurrence of genital warts?

Genital warts is a very annoying disease, it's contagious relatively strong, the spread of many media, will be repeated relapse. This gives the treatment of genital warts has brought a lot of difficulties. Treatment of genital warts should know the cause, in order to remedy. So, what are the causes of recurrence of genital warts, listen to the experts how to say.
Recurrence of genital warts
1, for the patient, infection of genital warts may have three different states, namely visible outgrowth of the wart tissue; naked eye can not see, can only be seen subclinical lesions under the microscope; yet to emerge lesions, but the tissue surface carrying the virus, only by molecular hybridization techniques such as polymerase chain reaction to detect the virus. Clinical treatment, doctors can only wart tissue removed that part of the naked eye can see, other genital warts infection status develop into wart tissue naked eye over a period of time after treatment there. Female reproductive tract for signs covert features, did not receive timely diagnosis, often suffer long-term illness, the cause of genital warts generalized, if not complete treatment, more dangerous.
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2, genital warts disease process occurs mainly in the epithelial tissues, the virus confined to epithelial tissue layer, skin and mucous membrane of the human immune system to the presence of the skin in the upper dermis, due to the basal layer of epithelial tissue barrier, intradermal the immune system can not genital warts disease and the epidermis - poison particle contact and establish an effective immune response, thus making genital warts permanently, this situation is also found in the flat wart and verruca vulgaris hands of young people face.
3, re-infection, spouse cured, while the other is a subclinical infection or virus carriers were infected through sexual life can be on, called "table tennis" state medicine, leading to recurrent infections.

As long as you've got genital warts, if not find a suitable method of treatment, they will be haunted by recurrent episodes of genital warts, affecting the normal work and life. To remind everyone, for safety reasons, find themselves in some strange symptoms, when to go to regular hospital for examination, diagnosis make the appropriate treatment.

What are the causes genital warts?

About genital warts, many people say this is a dirty disease, people suffering from genital warts will be said to be very clean person. Since this disease also causes a lot of family discord, and even some family break. Some patients feel a deep sense of inferiority and self-blame in life. Let's say that the cause of genital warts is.
The cause of genital warts:
Genital warts disease, contagious, so, its mode of transmission more necessary to understand.
1, sexual contact
This is the main route of transmission. HPV by means of sexual contact, through the damaged skin and mucous membrane infections. Survey data show that genital warts can occur in sexually active 20-40 year-old crowd, many or most people have extramarital dirty history of sexual promiscuity. According to research the average in three and a half months after the infection is most contagious. In addition to the direct vaginal and anal sex, oral sex, etc. can also infect.
2. indirect contact transmission
Through daily necessities such as underwear, bath tub, towels and other infections. When men suffer from Balanitis or Women suffering from fungal vaginitis or trichomoniasis vaginitis, etc., partial impregnation, wet it is HPV vaccination, provided favorable conditions for the breeding of reproduction. Scratching genitals with contaminated hands or contaminated towel can cause genital warts infection. There are visible, such as anal, oral, axillary, scalp, ear canal and so when the disease cases occur in the genital parts of the body outside, especially when the skin and mucous membrane contact area has a small wound vulnerable to infection. While it is true clinical cases of infection can be seen even by scratching through the toilet, etc., etc., including the children's cases, but these are in the minority, the daily contact is not so terrible risk.
3, mother to child transmission

Due to changes in hormone levels during pregnancy, genital blood supply rich, have decreased immune function, so genital warts can be increased quickly, even to the extent of blocking the birth canal. Wart prone to tearing during childbirth bleeding, because of its fragile organization, will suture to stop bleeding difficult. Infant genital warts or laryngeal papillomatosis and genital warts in some children, it may be during childbirth fetus through the birth canal, or in close contact with the mother after the birth of infection. Due to rapid growth during pregnancy genital warts, caused trouble to the late treatment, it is recommended that pregnancy be sure to check genital warts.

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