
Picture of Genital Warts (HPV)

Picture of Genital Warts (HPV)

Genital wart: A wart in the moist skin of the genitals or around the anus. Genital warts are due to a human papillomavirus (HPV). The HPVs, including those that cause genital warts, are transmitted through sexual contact. HPV can also be transmitted from mother to baby during childbirth. Most people infected with HPV have no symptoms, but these viruses increase a woman's risk for cancer of the cervix. HPV infection is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the US. It is also the leading cause of abnormal PAP smears and pre-cancerous changes of the cervix in women. There is no cure for HPV infection, although anti-viral medications can reduce outbreaks and topical preparations can speed healing. Once contracted, the virus can stay with a person for life. Also called condyloma acuminatum, condylomata.
HPV And Types Of Warts

There are more than a hundred different strains of the human papilloma virus, only a couple of which are responsible for most types of genital warts (as well as anal warts). The majority of genital warts are caused by HPV types 6 and 11. These warts will usually grow for 6 months after which they tend to stop growing. Other strains of HPV can cause warts on your feet or hands, which are less contagious than genital warts. A few strains of HPV are classified as high-risk, as they can lead to specific cancers.


Treating genital warts in china

If you think you have genital warts, see a health professional as they may need to be treated. It is possible to have more than one STI at a time, so if you think you have warts, it is a good idea to have a check-up.
You can make an appointment at your local sexual health or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic.

You can go to a sexual health clinic whatever age you are. If you're under 16, the service is still confidential and the clinic won't tell your parents. Find your local sexual health or GUM clinic.
The treatment for genital warts depends on how many warts you have and where they are. Several treatments are available, such as liquids or creams and freezing the warts (cryotherapy).
You should not use wart creams that are available over the counter because they are designed to only treat warts on the hands or verrucas.

If you are diagnosed with genital warts, it is recommended you do not have sex, including anal and oral sex, until your genital warts have fully healed. This will help prevent you passing the infection on to others. It will also help speed up your recovery.

Keyouwang treatment genital warts


Genital warts and HPV

Two types of HPV vaccine are currently available from your doctor. Both vaccines protect against the two HPV strains (16 and 18) associated with cervical cancer, but only Gardasil protects against the two HPV strains (6 and 11) that cause most genital warts.

In Australia, girls in year 7 of secondary school, or those aged 12 to 13 years, are offered free vaccination against HPV. From 2013, the vaccine program was extended to include boys, so both boys and girls in year 7 are offered Gardasil® vaccine through an ongoing school-based program. In 2013 and 2014, boys in year 9 of secondary school, or those aged 14 to 15 years will be offered the Gardasil® vaccine as part of a time-limited catch-up program.

The vaccine provides best protection if it is completed before a person becomes sexually active. The three-dose course of Gardasil vaccine should be completed. Dose two is given two months after dose one and dose three is given four months after dose two.

Where Genital Warts Occur

Genital warts are caused by a virus HPV (human papillomavirus). HPV is caught during sexual contact with someone who is already infected with it. If you develop genital warts, try not to feel too upset remember they are very common and lots of people have them, they are not dangerous and there are many effective ways of treating them.
You may feel angry with the person you think you caught them from. But in fact that person may not know that he or she had HPV for the following two reasons.
Some people carry HPV, but do not have any warts. In fact 15–40% of people under 40 are carriers of HPV, though it is less common in older people. In most people who carry HPV, it goes away in a year or two.
A man may not know that he has a wart, because it can be hidden inside the urethral opening (pee hole). Similarly, a woman can have a wart on the cervix (that is, deep inside the vagina) that she does not know about.
Where genital warts occur
In women, genital warts usually occur around the opening of the vagina (vulva), but they may occur in the folds of skin alongside the vaginal opening, or between the vagina and the anus, and around the anal opening. The figures (Archives of Dermatology1984;120:472) are as follows:
around the opening of the vagina (vulva) – 66%
in the vagina – 37%
between the vagina and anus – 29%
around the anus – 23%
on the cervix (neck of womb) – 8%
at the opening of the urethra (where the urine comes out) – 4%.
In men, genital warts often occur just under the foreskin, but can be anywhere on the penis, on the scrotum, in the groin or around the anus. The figures (Archives of Dermatology 1984;120:472) are as follows:
on the shaft of the penis – 51%
around the anus – 34%
on the glans (head of the penis) – 10%
inside the hole (opening of the urethra) – 10%
under the foreskin – 8%
between the anus and scrotum – 3%

on the scrotum – 1%.


How Genital Warts Spread

HPV is the virus that causes genital warts, a sexually transmitted disease (STD). The most common way to get HPV is by having sex with someone who has HPV. The only way to make sure you do not get genital warts is to avoid having sex at all, or to have sex only with someone who does not have HPV and is only having sex with you. That is, you are in a mutually monogamous relationship.
Because warts cannot be seen sometimes, it is especially important to be careful whom you choose to have sexual contact. The infection can have a long incubation period, meaning months can pass between the time a person is infected with the virus and the time a person notices warts in the genital area. Sometimes, the warts can take years to develop.
How Genital Warts Spread

In women, the warts may be where they cannot be seen--inside the body, on the surface of the cervix (opening to womb or uterus), vagina, or anus. In men, genital warts are not as common. However, they may be seen on the tip of the penis. Genital warts in men might also be found on the shaft of the penis, scrotum, or around the anus. Genital warts rarely develop in the mouth or throat.
Genital warts are very contagious. So you can get them or spread them easily. Genital warts can spread through vaginal, oral, and/or anal sex. It takes about 3 months since time of contact with an infected person to develop genital warts.
Anyone who has sexual contact is at risk for developing genital warts. Actual sexual intercourse is not necessary for genital warts to spread. Genital warts can spread by genital rubbing or heavy petting.
Genital warts can also spread through heterosexual (men and woman), man to man, or woman to woman sexual contact.
Using condoms may prevent you from catching HPV from someone who might have it. However, condoms can't always cover all of the affected skin.

Genital warts do not spread by coming into contact with a toilet seat. But, sharing sexual toys can spread genital warts.


How to Cure Genital Warts 2015

Genital warts are flesh-colored or gray growths found in the genital area and anal region in both men and women. Genital warts are sometimes referred to as condyloma acuminata or venereal warts. They represent the most common sexually-transmitted disease caused by a virus. The warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Infection with genital warts may not be obvious.
If the Genital warts infection has caused abnormal cell changes that could lead to cervical cancer, there are four main treatment options:
Watch and wait. Sometimes the cell changes -- called cervical dysplasia, precancerous cell changes, or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia -- will heal on their own.
Cryotherapy. This involves freezing the abnormal cells with liquid nitrogen.
Conization. This procedure, also known as a cone biopsy, removes the abnormal areas.
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). The abnormal cells are removed with an electrical current.
How to Cure Genital warts 2015
Most patients with genital warts are between the ages of 17-33 years. Genital warts are highly contagious. There is high risk of getting the infection from a single sexual contact with someone who has genital warts.
In children younger than three years of age, genital warts are thought to be transmitted by nonsexual methods such as direct manual contact. Nevertheless, the presence of genital warts in children should raise the suspicion for sexual abuse.
The Latest Treatment For Genital Warts By Keyouwang

We know that why patients relapse has a relationship with choice of genital warts treatment and attitudes about genital warts themselves. But it does not mean genital warts can not be completely cured . For this purpose of helping patients to treat of genital warts better, a good effect drug treatment of genital warts Keyouwang is recommend.Keyouwang is developed basing on the features of genital warts. Genital warts are caused by a virus. Kwyouwang contains factors in identifying the virus, whose main mission is to completely kill the virus . It is a good method to cure genital warts.Can Chinese herbal medicine Keyouwang cure genital warts? Yes. Keyouwang treatment of genital warts is a hundred percent effective, the cure rate is more than 97.5%. Now, genital warts patients can select Keyouwang to treat.Under normal circumstances, patients are almost healed after using Keyouwang about 1 to 2 courses .

  Genital Warts Can Be Completely Cured

  In reality, many people have fear of genital warts disease, and even some patients with genital warts carry a great mental stress for this purpose, which results in the occurrence of various mental disorders. The best treatment period is delayed . Genital warts can be cured. How should Genital warts be treat?
  First, patients with genital warts should pay attention to nutritional supplements. If got genital warts, you can eat soy products ,eggs, meat, milk, fish, protein-rich foods,which can help repair tissue and enhance the body's immunity. Also, pay attention to adding trace elements and vitamins.Patients with genital warts can intake vitamin C to enhance the body's immune system.
  Second, patients with genital warts need abstention. After suffering from genital warts, patients should maintain peace of mind. a person's mood has a great relationship with body immunity and disease . The human immune system will fall,and be susceptible to infectious diseases and be worse in the course of treatment with a bad mood. The patient should be prohibited of sexual life, because it will damage the urethra, making it worse.

  Third, patients with genital warts need to prevent the occurrence of various concurrent diseases. After suffering from genital warts, the body's immune system will be greatly decreased, leading to aggravation of the original disease or disease recurrence. Genital warts easily recur under general or local inflammatory stimuli. AIDS, diabetes and other diseases will be worse. Therefore, patients with genital warts should pay attention to prevention and treatment of other diseases and with particular attention to prevent infections from happening again.
  Fourth, genital warts patient's diet needs attention. Drinking is taboo.Because alcohol can reduce the body's resistance, leading to more severe inflammation and proliferation and leading chronic wart .It can also cause a lot of complications. Patients should also pay attention that spicy food, such as pepper, ginger and so on should not eat. Spicy foods can cause tissue congestion, which can increase the inflammatory response. In addition, intake less meet .

  Clinical trials showed that a reasonable conditioning is of great help for genital warts recovery . Thus, patients with genital warts must carry out effective treatment timely after discovering the disease .
this article is from http://www.genitalwartsclear.com/genital-warts/24.html


Best Genital Warts Treatment

This article will help you to get the best genital warts treatment that will work for you.Suffering from genital warts is not something you have to endure. If you are looking for a solution to this issue, there are some different things you should know about.
Genital Warts Cure
The thing to keep in mind when it comes to genital warts (also called venereal warts, condylomata acuminata, anogenital warts or anal warts) is, that there is no cure. The strain of the Human Papillomavirus causing the genital warts will stay in you forever.
The only thing you can do is find the right remedies that can help keep it dormant. The closest HPV cure is for women in the form of an immunization. The downside to this is that it can only be given around the age of puberty and may not protect against all forms of HPV.
However, you do want to be careful to treat the warts as soon as symptoms appear to help them to heal quicker. With this, it is often a good idea to avoid sexual intercourse during an outbreak where the warts are open as this can increase your chances of contracting certain diseases, such as HIV.
Genital Warts Treatment For Men And Women
The first thing you should do is get an understanding of the different HPV treatments is know what is currently used for therapy. Knowing what is out there will give you an understanding of the best way to go.
There are a number of different prescriptions the doctor can give you. There are different ways that these prescriptions are administered as well. Each of them has their own way of helping as well as different side effects.
The biggest issues pregnant women face is that they cannot use these medicines, because of the effects they may have on the baby. If a woman wants to deliver vaginally though, the warts will need to be dealt with before the delivery so the warts are not spread to the newborn, which can have serious and even fatal results.
One of the options you can go with is TCA or BCA. These are different forms of acid that the doctors will put on the warts once a week in their office. These have been shown to help in about 88% of cases with mild to moderate outbreaks. The downside is that it can take 6 to 10 weeks of therapy and you will have to pay for every appointment. With this, you will also find that it can cause discomfort, swelling and even scarring which can affect urination and erections.
Another option is to go with a prescription lotion or cream that you can apply at home, such asFluorouracil or Podofilox. You can apply these to the affected warts only and have to take precautions to prevent the cream from getting on other areas of skin. There are a number of different side effects that can occur, including pain, burning, peeling skin and more. On top of this, it can be an expensive prescription to have filled.
There are also injections that can be done as a genital wart remedy. Unfortunately, this is often a very painful procedure. With this, it can also cause you to have fever and chills, muscle aches and more. Since the results of this have not been studied, it may not even be covered by your insurance.
Laser Surgery
Laser surgery can also take away the outbreak. The nice thing about this is that the wart is gone right away and can be done right in your doctor’s office. However, there will be time needed for healing which will vary from person to person. With this, it is the most expensive method for eliminating the wart. It is extremely painful even though they do use a local anesthetic. It can cause scarring that can be permanent and urination issues. With this, it can also become infected and will need to be treated properly.
At Home Remedies
Many people are embarrassed at the thought of having to go to the doctor for their therapy. This is why the best thing you can do is to find a natural treatment for genital warts right in the comfort of your home. The good news is that there are many different at home remedies that can be used, including dietary changes which can affect an outbreak.
One of the main reasons that people like at home therapies is because they are more cost effective. Rather than spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars, you can spend just a little bit and get the same results or even better.
When used properly, the side effects of at home medications are much less severe than other forms of genital warts cure. This is because the remedies come from natural sources rather than chemicals.
click here get info

What you need to know though is that even home remedies can cause issues. This is why it is important to use the right treatment to help your warts. There are even some that can be detrimental to you if not used right. Go with something that has a scientific reason behind the way that it will help. It is also good to find out if there are any adverse side effects from the treatment. It is also a good idea to try it out when you will not have to go anywhere so you can have an idea of how well the treatment will work for you.


Early Stage Pictures of Genital Warts

Genital warts are the result of a person becoming infected with a very specific type of virus. In most cases this is because a person has contracted some form of the herpes virus. When a person enters the first stage of a genital wart infection, they very well could experience no symptoms. A person could be infected with genital warts for anywhere from two months up to nine months and not have a single wart appear on the body. At some point (depending on the person) the skin will become red and a person will feel an itchy sensation in the area that has become infected. It is at this first sign of irritation that a person should consult a licensed physician for recommendations on medical treatment.
In women, genital warts appear inside and outside of the vagina and inner thighs. They can also appear on the anal region, growing in and outside of the anus. In men, genital warts can appear on the penis, scrotum, testicles, anus, groin and thighs.

Pictures of Genital Warts

Recommended home treatment for genital warts in woman
I would like to recommend Keyouwang which is popular inChina. Since 2005, it helps millions of genital warts patients get rid of genital warts. More information www.genitalwartsclear.com

Pictures for genital warts in women

Genital warts is a sexually transmitted disease which is spread through sexual contact. Getting genital warts is embarrassing. For woman, what is the signs of early stage genital warts? The following is picture and test information on early stage genital warts in women.
Woman may experience
Silent symptoms : there are no early signs of genital warts which usually takes from three weeks to three months for any signs or symptoms to develop. The silent symptoms make it very hard to know when someone has genital warts or not.
Small hard bumps: some people may experience small, hard, white bumps around the genital areas. These small, white, hard bumps will appear to be pimples, but cannot be busted. The bumps may also be a pinkish color or appear in a cauliflower shape. They can appear single or in bunches. These visible bumps can itch but are usually painless; they can be anywhere on the male or female genitals or around the anus.
Uncomfortable symptoms: In rare occasions, a person will have an itching or burning sensation when they engage in sexual intercourse.

The pictures of early stage genital warts in women

Recommended home treatment for genital warts in woman
I would like to recommend Keyouwang which is popular inChina. Since 2005, it helps millions of genital warts patients get rid of genital warts. More information www.genitalwartsclear.com

Recurrence of genital warts?

Genital warts is a very annoying disease, it's contagious relatively strong, the spread of many media, will be repeated relapse. This gives the treatment of genital warts has brought a lot of difficulties. Treatment of genital warts should know the cause, in order to remedy. So, what are the causes of recurrence of genital warts, listen to the experts how to say.
Recurrence of genital warts
1, for the patient, infection of genital warts may have three different states, namely visible outgrowth of the wart tissue; naked eye can not see, can only be seen subclinical lesions under the microscope; yet to emerge lesions, but the tissue surface carrying the virus, only by molecular hybridization techniques such as polymerase chain reaction to detect the virus. Clinical treatment, doctors can only wart tissue removed that part of the naked eye can see, other genital warts infection status develop into wart tissue naked eye over a period of time after treatment there. Female reproductive tract for signs covert features, did not receive timely diagnosis, often suffer long-term illness, the cause of genital warts generalized, if not complete treatment, more dangerous.
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2, genital warts disease process occurs mainly in the epithelial tissues, the virus confined to epithelial tissue layer, skin and mucous membrane of the human immune system to the presence of the skin in the upper dermis, due to the basal layer of epithelial tissue barrier, intradermal the immune system can not genital warts disease and the epidermis - poison particle contact and establish an effective immune response, thus making genital warts permanently, this situation is also found in the flat wart and verruca vulgaris hands of young people face.
3, re-infection, spouse cured, while the other is a subclinical infection or virus carriers were infected through sexual life can be on, called "table tennis" state medicine, leading to recurrent infections.

As long as you've got genital warts, if not find a suitable method of treatment, they will be haunted by recurrent episodes of genital warts, affecting the normal work and life. To remind everyone, for safety reasons, find themselves in some strange symptoms, when to go to regular hospital for examination, diagnosis make the appropriate treatment.

What are the causes genital warts?

About genital warts, many people say this is a dirty disease, people suffering from genital warts will be said to be very clean person. Since this disease also causes a lot of family discord, and even some family break. Some patients feel a deep sense of inferiority and self-blame in life. Let's say that the cause of genital warts is.
The cause of genital warts:
Genital warts disease, contagious, so, its mode of transmission more necessary to understand.
1, sexual contact
This is the main route of transmission. HPV by means of sexual contact, through the damaged skin and mucous membrane infections. Survey data show that genital warts can occur in sexually active 20-40 year-old crowd, many or most people have extramarital dirty history of sexual promiscuity. According to research the average in three and a half months after the infection is most contagious. In addition to the direct vaginal and anal sex, oral sex, etc. can also infect.
2. indirect contact transmission
Through daily necessities such as underwear, bath tub, towels and other infections. When men suffer from Balanitis or Women suffering from fungal vaginitis or trichomoniasis vaginitis, etc., partial impregnation, wet it is HPV vaccination, provided favorable conditions for the breeding of reproduction. Scratching genitals with contaminated hands or contaminated towel can cause genital warts infection. There are visible, such as anal, oral, axillary, scalp, ear canal and so when the disease cases occur in the genital parts of the body outside, especially when the skin and mucous membrane contact area has a small wound vulnerable to infection. While it is true clinical cases of infection can be seen even by scratching through the toilet, etc., etc., including the children's cases, but these are in the minority, the daily contact is not so terrible risk.
3, mother to child transmission

Due to changes in hormone levels during pregnancy, genital blood supply rich, have decreased immune function, so genital warts can be increased quickly, even to the extent of blocking the birth canal. Wart prone to tearing during childbirth bleeding, because of its fragile organization, will suture to stop bleeding difficult. Infant genital warts or laryngeal papillomatosis and genital warts in some children, it may be during childbirth fetus through the birth canal, or in close contact with the mother after the birth of infection. Due to rapid growth during pregnancy genital warts, caused trouble to the late treatment, it is recommended that pregnancy be sure to check genital warts.


Best Treatment for Genital Warts

As embarrassing and annoying as they are you genital warts will eventually go away on their own. If you want to try and speed up the process and are looking for the best treatment for genital warts then you should always start by visiting your doctor or G.P.

Best Treatment for Genital Warts

Firstly it’s important to actually confirm that what you have is genital warts and not some other type of skin infection or virus that way your doctor can start you on the correct form of treatment.

Many physicians may recommend that you wait a while before starting looking at various treatments due to their lack of effectiveness and the pain and discomfort of the remedies themselves. Sufferers also react differently to treatments so there is no one ‘cure-all’ that is effective for everyone.

The trouble with delaying treatment is that the outbreak can worsen causing more discomfort which in turn can lead to scratching, bleeding and infecting more areas of your body. This is the reason why many look for more natural herbal remedies to ease their suffering and resume a normal life sooner.

It’s known that the body’s immune system is capable of tackling most outbreak of genital warts and over time eliminating the warts themselves but this is not a fast process and can often take months.

Popular first treatments can include creams and gels such as Podofilox (Condylox) and Imiquimod (Aldara) whose effectiveness is limited and recurrences are likely. These gels need to be prescribed by your physician and can take several weeks for a full cycle of treatment to be completed. Both of these treatments take a different route to clearing your warts. The first, Condylox, attacks the warts directly until it falls off while Aldara activates a immune response to the virus.

Genital Warts and Pregnancy With Women

As if pregnancy wasn’t already stressful enough without having to worry about a genital warts outbreak at the same time.
The good news is that having HPV does not affect a woman’s fertility or ability to carry a pregnancy to term.
If a woman has a history of HPV then this should be brought to the attention of the doctors early in the pregnancy. Your doctor may be inclined to run some additions tests or a pap smear just to check that things are okay.
Genital warts are a disease that is usually transmitted through sexual intercourse. In women, they grow on the exterior and interior of the vagina, uterus, cervix, and the region around the anus. They occur in women who are infected by the human papillomavirus, or HPV, and the fact that they are highly-contagious makes them a major cause of concern for pregnant women.
Women who have a history of HPV infection or genital warts may experience a worsening of the symptoms of the disease during pregnancy, because their immune system will be weakened when they are conceiving. As such, their genital warts may increase in size during pregnancy. Depending on where the warts are located, they may result in complications during delivery. If large warts develop on the inside of the vagina, they may cause obstruction in the birth canal, and this makes it very difficult for the mother to deliver the baby. In some cases, the delivery of a child can cause the warts to hemorrhage. When vaginal birth is impossible due to too much bleeding or obstruction in the birth canal, a caesarian delivery will be performed.
Genital Warts and Pregnancy With Women

Pregnant women who have genital warts may also pass the disease to their babies, either during pregnancy or childbirth. Although the disease is not curable, it usually does not result in serious health problems for babies. In rare cases, babies of pregnant women with genital warts develop a condition called laryngeal papillomatosis, which can be life-threatening. This disease occurs when warts grow in the throat and mouth of a baby, and the baby may experience difficulty in breathing when the warts become larger. Laryngeal papillomatosis is usually transmitted because of an infected birth canal, and symptoms may not show until the baby reaches the age of three. The most effective form of treatment for this condition is laser surgery, which has to be performed at regular intervals to prevent the warts from obstructing the child’s breathing. Some physicians may also recommend Interferon therapy, which has been proven to be effective in slowing down the growth of the disease.
Pregnant women with genital warts should not use over-the-counter treatments without a physician’s recommendation. Ordinary treatment methods that work for ordinary women with genital warts can be harmful to pregnant women. Most of the over-the-counter medications for treating genital warts containsalicylic acid, a substance that is detrimental to the health of unborn babies. Certain prescription medicines, such as podofilox, are easily absorb-able through the skin, and they can result in birth defects. One of the effective ways to treat genital warts is cyrotherapy, a method that uses extreme cold to destroy warts. It is important to seek advice from a doctor before trying out any treatment method.
Since having genital warts can put a newborn baby’s health at risk, it is advisable that women take the necessary precautions to prevent genital warts. Safe and healthy sexual practices can greatly reduce the chance of contracting the disease. Those who have sex partners with genital wart problems should avoid sexual contact with their partners until the warts are eliminated. A healthy diet and lifestyle can also prevent genital warts, because it helps to strengthen the immune system.
Some strains of HPV are known to have a higher risk of affecting cervical cancer. This is due to HPV causing changes in a woman’s cervical cells.
Recently introduced vaccinations, such as gardasil, can protect against some of the strains of HPV responsible for cervical cancer. Although most effective in females between the ages of puberty and 25 it is an option that should be discussed with your general practitioner first.

Cancers during pregnancy do occur but are extremely rare and in most cases do not affect the health of the fetus directly.

Can Be Cured Genital Warts In Women
5 Home Remedies for Genital warts
The Best Way to Treat Genital Warts


Prevention Of Genital Warts

Genital warts is a sexually transmitted disease, not only harmful to our health, but also affect our family. After a lot of people suffering from genital warts to know the severity of the disease, and therefore we still timely precautions better. Next, tell you about genital warts precautions. We hope to help everyone.
Preventive measures as follows:
1, and resolutely put an end to sexual promiscuity: 60% of patients with genital warts is through sexual contact with infected places. From one infected family in the community, but also transmitted through sexual life spouse, there may be passed to others through close family life contact brought both physically painful, and cause family discord, bear mental stress. Thereby increasing sexual morality, it does not occur extramarital sex is an important aspect of the prevention of genital warts occurred.
2, to prevent contagious: do not use others to lingerie, swimwear and bathtub; do not wash basin pond in the public baths, shower advocate, after bath tub does not sit directly on the ground seat; try to use squat toilet in a public toilet; toilet Wash hands with soap before; not in density, sterilization is not strictly the swimming pool.
3, pay attention to personal hygiene: daily cleaning vulva, wash underwear, underwear individual to be washed separately. Even among family members should also do one pot, towel demultiplexing.
4, after the sick spouse to prohibit sex life. If the spouses were only physical therapy, although genital to genital warts visible disappeared, but the patient is still with human papilloma virus, also should receive oral and outside wash drug to comprehensive treatment, after treatment review. In the meantime if you have sex, use a condom for protection.
5, pregnant women suffering from genital warts after childbirth to prevent infection when fetus, choose cesarean section. Postpartum Do the same with the baby and the bath tub.

The above description is genital warts precaution, I believe you already know, if you suffer from the disease, we have to be treated as soon as possible. Patients who need to know more about the genital warts is a disease easily repeated, so we have to pay attention again after the treatment of the disease, active prevention. I wish you a speedy recovery!


Genital Warts Patients Diet 

Genital warts patients should take more food with high protein, and take more exercise. To keep a good mood is also very important. Patients should eat fruits, vegetables, and avoid drinking and smocking.
Genital Warts Patients Diet 

Patients with genital warts should take less sea food, no beef, no dog meat and no sheep, spicy food also should forbidden. In Chinese medicine, the word ‘stimulating food’ is often mentioned. During the treatment of genital warts, stimulating food contains lychee, sea food, sheep, spicy food and so on. For genital warts patients, a lighter diet is necessary.

The relapse of genital warts often occur in the condition of low immunity of patients, so patients also should take more foods rich in VC.

Experts also suggest patients take dairy products rich in lactic acid bacteria which can keep the balance of intestinal bacteria structure.


Chinese Medicine Treatment for Genital warts

Genital warts is a common sexually transmitted disease that appears as small bumps that have an appearance similar to cauliflower. The warts themselves, caused by the human papillomavirus, can be treated with surgery or medication; however, the more significant danger associated with the disease is for women who have an increased risk of acquiring cervical cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic website. For women, genital warts occur on the vulva or the walls of the vagina. For men, the warts may occur on the shaft or tip of the penis. About 30 percent of genital warts heal without treatment, but for the majority of cases that require medical intervention, herbal treatments are available to manage the outbreaks.

The green tea plant, camellia sinensis, is native throughout Asia and has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Green tea's high levels of antioxidants have been shown to be effective against genital warts, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. The recommended dose of the green tea standardized extract is 250 mg to 500 mg per day. An ointment made from green tea extract has also been shown to be effective against genital warts.

Reishi mushrooms have been used for more than 4,000 years in traditional Chinese medicine to fight viruses and support the immune system. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, reishi can be used to treat genial warts effectively. The recommended dose is 150 mg to 300 mg, taken two to three times per day for antiviral action and immune system support. If you have a condition related to blood pressure or blood thinning, be sure to consult a physician prior to taking reishi as it can impact these health issues.

How to Treat Genital Warts at Home

Genital warts are growths on genitals that are caused from viral infections. Genital warts are caused by the low-risk types of the human papillomavirus. If you become infected with genital warts you should determine where the sexually transmitted disease came from and let the sexual partner know. Symptoms can include difficulty urinating, itching, burning sensation, bleeding, blisters and flu-like symptoms. If you have a small case of genital warts it is possible that you can get rid of them at home. However, for severe cases you may need cryotherapy or laser treatments.

Apply aloe vera to the area to help ease discomfort while trying to get rid of the problem. The cream can be purchased at your local retail store. Make sure to only use a small handful at a time to prevent you from scratching.
Add 1 tbsp. of vitamin E oil and one-quarter teaspoon of raw crushed garlic to a small bowl and mix well. Apply the mixture to your genital warts and then cover the area immediately with adhesive tape. The warts should fall off within one week, but if there are still some warts you should try another home remedy.
Apply a mixture of blended onion slices and salt three times a day until the warts disappear. Also, you can add two to three drops of apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball and apply it to your warts three times a day for similar results.

Add 1 oz. of caster oil, 1 tsp. of thuja essential oil, 1 tsp. of tea tree oil and 540 mg of Vitamin E to a small bowl and mix well. Use a cotton swab to apply the essential oil mixture to the warts three times a day. Also, make sure not to spread the mixture on surrounding skin.


Can Be Cured Genital Warts In Women

Genital warts (sometimes called condylomata acuminata or venereal warts) are single or multiple bumps that appear in the genital areas of men and women including the vagina, cervix, penis, and rectum. Like warts that appear on other areas of your skin, genital warts are caused by a virus called HPV.
Genital warts can be treated, and probably cured in some cases. A “cure” means that the virus is gone. There is no reliable way to determine whether or not the HPV virus is gone. Treatments are effective at getting rid of the visible warts, but the virus may persist in the skin, and cause new warts to develop months or years later.
If you or your sexual partner has warts that are visible in the genital area, you should avoid any sexual contact until the warts are treated. Condoms may reduce the risk of spread. Be aware that people with no visible warts may be infected with the HPV virus (they may not even be aware themselves that they have it) and spread it to you.
How can you avoid genital warts?
Get vaccinated against HPV.
Certain types of HPV vaccines protect against the low-risk HPV that causes 90% of genital warts.
HPV vaccine is safe for all females 9 to 26 years old.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends all 11-12 year old girls get the HPV vaccine.
Avoid sexual contact.
Have safer sex:
Reduce the number of sexual partners.
Condoms, when used correctly, can reduce the risk of getting HPV. But, condoms may not cover all infected areas. Each time you have sex use a condom (male or female type):
Before vaginal sex
Before anal sex
Before oral sex
Have sex with only one partner who does not have sex with others and does not have HPV.
Know that other forms of birth control do not protect against HPV.

- See more at: http://www.publichealth.va.gov/infectiondontpassiton/womens-health-guide/stds/genital-warts.asp#sthash.8ZDA2skH.dpuf

What are signs of genital warts in women?

Genital warts are usually flesh-colored growths that may be raised or flat, single or multiple, small or large. But even after seeing pictures, you may not be able to recognize genital warts because they don’t always look the same.
Approximately 90% of all genital warts are caused by HPV Types 6 and 11. Approximately 3 out of 4 people will get them after having any kind of genital contact with someone infected.
Genital warts can grow anywhere in the genital area:
In the vagina
Around the vaginal opening
On the cervix (the opening to the womb)
On the groin
In or around the anus
In the mouth or throat (rare)
Genital warts:
Can be any size – from so small they can't be seen, to big clusters and lumps
Can be smooth with a "mosaic" pattern or bumpy like a cauliflower
Are soft, moist and flesh-colored
Can cause itching, burning or pain
Not all HPV infections cause genital warts. HPV infections often do not have any signs that you can see or feel. Some HPV infections can be more serious, seeHPV.

Even if you can't see any genital warts, you could still have an HPV infection.
Diagnosing of  Genital Warts
Diagnosing genital warts can be tricky, because people are often too embarrassed to consult their GP. Since genital warts are not always visible to the naked eye, your doctor might have to carry out tests to determine whether you are infected or not or not. If you're worried that you might have genital warts, it is important to get a professional diagnosis as soon as possible. This will preserve both your peace of mind and your health.

If your doctor needs further tests to determine whether you're infected, he may need to perform a biopsy (i.e. take a sample of tissue from the wart or “suspicious” skin area) and send it to a lab for analysis. This will help detect signs of genital or cervical cancers. For people who are considered “at risk” and who have been diagnosed with HPV, it is important to have regular check-ups (including a biopsy) to make sure that everything is fine.


5 Home Remedies for Genital warts

Genital warts are the commonest type of genital infections which can be transmitted sexually. The appearance of genital warts is cauliflower like or tiny bumps of flesh color. A virus - human papillomavirus (HPV) is responsible for causing genital warts on whole body. There are some home remedies available which can decrease the symptoms of genital warts but still it is vital to consult your doctor for treating the problem medically.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a popular and highly effective home remedy for genitals warts. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar is corrosive in nature. When it comes in contact with the affected skin, it helps wear down the abnormal growth of the skin tissues. Plus, its antiviral property helps kill the virus that causes genital warts.
Apply petroleum jelly on the skin surrounding the genital wart to protect the unaffected skin.
Moisten a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and apply it to the affected area.
Use an adhesive tape to hold the cotton ball in place for two to three hours.
Remove the cotton ball and wash the area with warm water.
After half an hour, repeat the process again.
Use this treatment two to three times daily for a few days or until the genital wart is completely gone.
Also, drinking apple cider vinegar diluted in water is beneficial. Add two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink it daily.
Garlic is known for its antiviral properties, hence it can easily take care of the virus that causes genital warts.
Crush a few garlic cloves into a fine paste.
Apply the paste to the affected skin.
Cover the area with a bandage, and leave it on for one to two hours.
Remove the bandage and wash the area with lukewarm water.
Repeat two or three times daily until you get rid of the genital warts.
You can also take two garlic capsules daily until the warts are eliminated.
Aloe Vera
Due to its natural healing properties, aloe vera is often used in the treatment of genital warts. Plus, this herb is rich with antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera can also soothe the skin and relieve itching.
Cut open an aloe vera leaf and extract the gel.
Dip a cotton ball in the gel and apply it directly on the affected area.
Secure the cotton ball with tape and leave it on overnight.
The next morning, remove the cotton ball and wash the gel off with warm water.
Repeat once daily for one month or until your warts are gone.
You can also drink aloe vera juice to boost your immune system, which in turn will help your body quickly fight off the virus that causes genital warts.
Castor Oil
The odorless and tasteless castor oil is used to treat many skin problems, including genital warts. The ricinoleic acid present in castor oil has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties that help treat genital warts.
Soak a cotton ball in cold-pressed pure castor oil.
Put the cotton ball over the wart and secure it with tape. Leave it on overnight.
The next morning, remove the cotton ball and clean the area with warm water.
Gently exfoliate the area with a washcloth or loofah sponge to remove the dead skin cells.
Repeat this remedy daily until the wart becomes dark and eventually falls off.
Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E Oil can also effectively reduce the size of genital warts and prevent reinfections. Use a cotton ball or a filler to apply a few drops of Vitamin E oil directly above the warts. Repeat this for at least twice every day until the warts disappear completely. If need be, apply some crushed garlic over the warts immediately after applying some vitamin E oil on them. This would help get rid of the infection (and the warts) faster.


Test and Diagnosis of Genital warts

Genital warts is the human papillomavirus (HPV) infections caused by anal genital area proliferative damage as the main performance of sexually transmitted diseases. Most occurred in the 18 to 50-year-old young people. After about two weeks to eight months, an average of three months after the onset of incubation. The disease is more common, mainly spread through sexual contact.
1. The acetic acid white test
With 3% to 5% acetic acid solution treated with partial or wet for 5 to 10 minutes in the white area of ​​HPV infection, the so-called "acid white phenomenon." But specificity is not high, some chronic inflammation, such as Candida vulvitis, genital trauma and non-specific inflammation can cause false positive.
2. cytology
Wart with vaginal or cervical tissue smear, Papanicolaou stain, you can see two kinds of cells, namely cell vacuolization and dyskeratosis cells exist, for genital warts have diagnostic value.
3. Histopathological examination
As vacuoles of cells in the spinous layer and granular layer above, is an important diagnostic evidence of HPV infection.
The immunological tests
Using antibodies against HPV lesions in the HPV protein antigen. The method sensitivity is not high, the detection rate is only about 50%.
5. The nucleic acid hybridization test
It is an important means to detect HPV infection, including dot-blot (dot blot hybridization), in situ hybridization, nucleic acid blotting (Southern blot hybridization). The specificity and sensitivity of these methods are high, sensitive and reliable method for the diagnosis of HPV infection. But the cumbersome technical operations, generally carried out no clinically.
6. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

It is the most sensitive method of detection of HPV infection, but also make type-specific analysis, with high sensitivity, the method is simple and rapid characteristics. It has been widely used in clinical practice.

Can Cure Genital Warts in Men

Male patients with genital warts occur in the frenulum, Coronal, foreskin, urethra, penis, anus and scrotum. Early symptoms of pink or red dirt the size of millet-like vegetation, nature soft, slightly pointed tip, growing up or increased. It can develop into papillary or cystic basal or slightly wider band, the surface of the particles. Often increases in anal, like cauliflower, surface moist or bleeding between the particles often accumulate pus, stench odor, secondary infection after scratching. Located in low humidity dry parts of genital warts, flat warts damage is very small and was like. Located in the hot and humid moist sites usually filiform warts or papilloma, easy integration into large clumps. Genital warts in patients with severe liver disease may increase. Pregnancy, warts can recur or growth accelerated. Clinical infection refers to the naked eye can not recognize the clinical disease, but with 3% -5% acetic acid was treated with partial or wet for 5-10 minutes in HPV infection whitish area, the so-called "acid white phenomenon."

Treatment of genital warts is both a simple process, but also a complex process. The simplest is visible after a single wart removal can be achieved by no other special treatment no recurrence after cure. Although the complex is visible after removal wart plus some of the comprehensive treatment of the body, etc., genital warts are still repeated recurrence, prolonged unhealed. Nevertheless, the vast majority of genital warts or can be completely cured.

Home Remedies for Genital Warts

Genital warts are gray or flesh-coloured growths around the private or genital parts of the male or female. They are also known as venaral warts or condylomata acumemata. Typically, they are found in the areas around the penis, anus, scrotum, vagina or vulva. People falling between the age group of 17 and 33 are more prone to this disease. Genital warts cause itching, burning sensation, and prickling, particularly during sexual intercourse.
In some cases, genital warts are difficult to diagnose as they hardly cause pain and are extremely small. Warts are caused by slow-acting viruses, called Human Papilloma Virus or HPV, through anal, oral or vaginal intercourse. Hence, genital warts are sexually transmitted disease (STD) of substantial concern. Genital warts are highly contagious.
Home Remedies for Genital Warts

Simple Remedies to Get Rid of Genital Warts
Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts Removal
Many scientific studies have approved of vinegar to be an effective treatment for warts. In fact, vinegar is also used to identify cervical cancer! It seems apt to inform you that cervical cancer is also caused by Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV), the same virus that causes genital warts. The invisible warts begin to appear when you place a cotton ball soaked in vinegar on your skin. Coming back to the healing potential of apple cider vinegar (ACV) for genital warts, it can be concluded that the acetic acid in it does the work. This acid is corrosive in nature and thus when it remains in contact with a skin area for longer, it kills the tissues there.
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Remove Genital Warts?
Clean the skin having warts on it. Apply ACV on the warts with the help of a cotton swab, toothpick or a small brush. Leave it for about 10 minutes and then wipe of with a dry cloth. Do this thrice a day for at least a week. Within 2-3 days, you’ll see a change in the color of the warts that will turn to a scab within a week and fall off.
Sometimes, warts will not go with this mild treatment. In such cases, soak a cotton ball with AV by pouring a few drops and hold it against your warts with the vinegar touching the warts. Use a tape or bandage to hold the cotton ball in place. Leave it for the whole day or at least for 2-3 hours. Before going to bed, wash the area well wit water. Repeat this daily for 1-2 weeks.
If you are uncomfortable with ACV on your warts for whole day long, you may like to apply the vinegar and hold the cotton against it for 10-15 minutes at an interval of half to 1 hour throughout the day.
When you first apply apple cider vinegar to your warts, it may give you a stinging feel or a burning sensation.
Keyouwang Home Remedies for Genital Warts

Keyouwang treatment of genital warts is a hundred percent effective, the cure rate is more than 97.5%. Now, genital warts patients can select Keyouwang to treat.Under normal circumstances, patients are almost healed after using Keyouwang about 1 to 2 courses .


Genital Warts : Causes And Diagnosis

What Causes Genital Warts
Warts are caused by viruses. They are sometimes referred to as ano-genital warts or medically as condyloma acuminata. There is a family of viruses called HPV which produce all kinds of warts in different parts of our skin.
The different subtypes of HPV are given numbers. There are over 100 subtypes of HPV. The majority of anogenital warts are HPV type 6 and 11 and these subtypes are entirely harmless other than giving bumps on the skin.
TThey are sexually transmitted. Skin to skin contact of the genitals and the mouth are the most common way that the virus are passed. There are other subtypes of HPV that increase the risk of cervical cancer. Vaccines to prevent these precancerous infections have recently been introduced.
The incubation period is usually between one month and one year.
The prevalence of genital warts depends on a number of risk factors, but appears to be highest in people between 15-25 years of age. Two thirds of those infections that are detected are in women. The numbers of people with genital warts has increased dramatically over the last 25 years. It is thought that about 15% of the sexually active population are infected and that about 1% have genital warts.
How are genital warts diagnosed
Visual examination of the skin
Most of the time warts are identified by looking for irregularities, lumps, bumps, roughness of the skin, or skin color changes.
Most of the time the diagnosis will be clear to a doctor experienced with this condition.
Applying 5% acetic acid or vinegar to the skin or cervix can highlight irregularities and different skin thicknesses that make it suspicious for warts. This produces white patches in the skin in about five minutes because of the change in surface quality, but is not a change specific for HPV infection.
Biopsy of the skin may be performed if:
The diagnosis is uncertain.
Warts not responding to standard therapy.
The condition worsens during therapy.
The patient's immune system is compromised.

The warts are pigmented, bleeding, ulcerated or firm, a possible sign of precancer.

Do I have Genital Warts

Genital warts like all other warts are caused by the effect of the HPV (human papilloma virus) on the surface skin. These viruses live on the outer layer of the skin called the epidermis. The virus may lay within the epidermis and not produce much in the way of changes that show on the skin surface when observed by the naked eye. When changes are visible the following features suggest the presence of warts:
Do I have Genital Warts

Genital warts are caused by a strain of the HPV virus-the same virus that causes warts and verucas on other parts of the body. Most people become infected with warts through sexual contact. Although using a condom or other barrier method of contraception can reduce your risk of infection, you can still be infected with genital warts via protected sex.
How can I have genital warts
You can normally expect the first warts to appear between two and four weeks after sexual contact with an infected person, but it is possible to be infected with the HPV virus and not show any symptoms-as many as 50% of all infected people never develop genital warts. It is also possible to have been infected with the virus many months or even years previously, but never have shown any symptoms until now as the virus does not always show itself until your immune system is low.
small, "warty" cauliflower like bumps (verrucous papules)
discrete thin elongated skin tag like warts
smooth-topped bumps (papules or nodules)
large cauliflower lumps or masses
Warts vary in color, ranging from flesh-colored to pink to reddish brown. Warts that have a brown pigment or those that are very red may be more likely to be caused by HPV 16 or 18.
Singular or Clustered

Warts can present singularly, or in culsters. It is thought that the virus may exist subclinically, in the areas that do not have warts.

How to treat Genital Warts with Keyouwang
Keyouwang is a natural plant extraction as a single fluid which is green, safe, free of hormones and chemical composition, non-staining, non-irritating, non-allergenic, non-corrosive, producing no dependence, high security . And its antibacterial potency is ten times higher than other antibiotics . Six kinds of intelligent recognition factors intelligently lock virus bacteria, form a protective film on the skin surface . 44 kinds of virus inactivation factors rapidly inactivate bacteria and concentrate to kill the virus, while repair factors stimulate their own immune function and completely eliminate the causative factor . Prevent recurrence without leaving any scars.


Can genital warts be treated?

Genital warts (sometimes called condylomata acuminata or venereal warts) are single or multiple bumps that appear in the genital areas of men and women including the vagina, cervix, penis, and rectum. Like warts that appear on other areas of your skin, genital warts are caused by a virus called HPV.
HPV is the virus that causes common warts and genital warts. The virus infects the top layers of your skin. Many people infected with HPV have no symptoms and no warts, but they are still contagious.
Can genital warts be treated?

Can genital warts be treated?
Yes. Genital warts must be treated by your doctor. Do not try to treat the warts yourself.

The warts can be removed, but the viral infection itself can't be cured. The virus goes on living inside your skin. This is why the warts often return after they have been removed. You may need to have them removed more than once.

Is there a cure or treatment for external genital warts?

There is no cure or treatment that can eradicate HPV infection, so the only currently possible treatment is to remove the lesions caused by the virus. Unfortunately, even removal of the warts does not necessarily prevent the spread of the virus, and genital warts frequently recur. None of the available treatment options is ideal or clearly superior to others.

A treatment that can be administered by the patient is a 0.5% solution or gel of podofilox (Condylox). The medication is applied to the warts twice per day for 3 days followed by 4 days without treatment. Treatment should be continued up to 3-4 weeks or until the lesions are gone. Podofilox may also be applied every other day for a total of three weeks.
Alternatively, a 5% cream of imiquimod (Aldara, a substance that stimulates the body's production of cytokines, chemicals that direct and strengthen the immune response) is likewise applied by the patient three times a week at bedtime, and then washed off with mild soap and water 6-10 hours later. The applications are repeated for up to 16 weeks or until the lesions are gone.
Only an experienced physician can perform some of the treatments for genital warts. These include, for example, placing a small amount of a 10%-25% solution of podophyllin resin on the lesions, and then, after a period of hours, washing off the podophyllin. The treatments are repeated weekly until the genital warts are gone.
An 80%-90% solution of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or bichloracetic acid (BCA) can also be applied weekly by a physician to the lesions. Injection of 5-flurouracil epinephrine gel into the lesions has also been shown to be effective in treating genital warts.
Interferon alpha, a substance that stimulates the body's immune response, has also been used in the treatment of genital warts. Treatment regimens involve injections of interferon into the lesionevery other day over a period of 8 to 12 weeks.

Alternative methods include cryotherapy (freezing the genital warts with liquid nitrogen) every 1 to 2 weeks, surgical removal of the lesions, or laser surgery. Laser surgery and surgical excision both require a local or general anesthetic, depending upon the extent of the lesions.



HPV is the virus that causes common warts and genital warts. The virus infects the top layers of your skin. Many people infected with HPV have no symptoms and no warts, but they are still contagious.


Genital warts can be treated, and probably cured in some cases. A “cure” means that the virus is gone. There is no reliable way to determine whether or not the HPV virus is gone. Treatments are effective at getting rid of the visible warts, but the virus may persist in the skin, and cause new warts to develop months or years later.

Wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap and warm water, then wash the area affected by the warts. Dry with a clean towel.

Dampen a cotton ball or a piece of cotton gauze with some apple cider vinegar. The cotton should be thoroughly wet, but not dripping.

Place the vinegar-soaked cotton ball on the wart, making sure it is completely covered. Secure the cotton with a piece of medical tape and allow it to sit overnight. It is normal to experience some pain after applying apple cider vinegar to a wart. If you have multiple warts, you can apply vinegar-soaked cotton to all of them at once or choose to treat them at separate times.

Remove the cotton and wash the area thoroughly using antibacterial soap and warm water. Reapply vinegar-soaked cotton each night until the wart is completely gone.

How to treat Genital Warts

If you have genital warts, you'll be relieved to know that outbreaks are treatable. The warts are caused by HPV (human papilloma virus), a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease that infects the skin.
How to treat Genital Warts
How to treat Genital Warts
Genital warts look like raised, flesh-colored bumps. They can be tiny and invisible to the naked eye, or they can appear in large clusters. If you develop genital warts, you should have them treated right away, because an untreated outbreak that starts out small can rapidly enlarge. There are several treatment options for an outbreak of genital warts, and all of them require a visit to a doctor or clinic.
Genital warts (sometimes called condylomata acuminata or venereal warts) are single or multiple bumps that appear in the genital areas of men and women including the vagina, cervix, penis, and rectum. Like warts that appear on other areas of your skin, genital warts are caused by a virus called HPV.
They are transmitted by skin-to-skin contact during vaginal, anal, or (rarely) oral sex with someone who is infected.
How to treat Genital Warts
If you have genital warts, you need to seek professional medical treatment; there are no effective home remedies. Over-the-counter products meant to remove other types of warts are not effective on genital warts, and may even be harmful. Don't be embarrassed to talk to your doctor or go to a clinic; genital warts are one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, and in many cases outbreaks can be easily treated. It's especially important to be in a doctor's care, since the virus that causes genital warts is linked to certain types of cancer.

Your doctor can give you treatment options, including topical solutions and surgical removal, depending on the location and severity of the outbreak. He or she will decide how to address an outbreak of genital warts by assessing the condition's location and severity. But even though you can control outbreaks with your doctor, there's no cure for HPV so you will always be at risk for recurrences in the future, and there will always be a chance that you can pass the virus on to others through skin-to-skin sexual contact. Don't be embarrassed; talk to your doctor.


Tests and Diagnosis of Genital Warts

Genital warts are soft growths that occur on the genitals. Genital warts are a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). These skin growths can cause pain, discomfort, and itching. They are especially dangerous for women because some types of HPV can also cause cancer of the cervix and vulva.
Pap tests
For women, it's important to have regular pelvic exams and Pap tests, which can help detect vaginal and cervical changes caused by genital warts or the early signs of cervical cancer — a possible complication of genital HPV infection.
During a Pap test, your doctor will use a device called a speculum to hold open your vagina. He or she will then use a long-handled tool to collect a small sample of cells from your cervix — the passage between your vagina and your uterus. The cells are examined with a microscope for abnormalities.
HPV test
Only a few types of genital HPV have been linked to cervical cancer. A sample of cervical cells, taken during a Pap test, can be tested for these cancer-causing HPV strains.

This test is generally reserved for women ages 30 and older. It isn't as useful for younger women because their immune systems usually can kill even cancer-causing varieties of genital HPV without treatment.

Effective Treatment for Genital Warts

If your warts aren't causing discomfort, you may not need treatment. But if your symptoms include itching, burning and pain, or if visible warts are causing emotional distress, your doctor can help you clear an outbreak with medications or surgery. However, the lesions are likely to come back after treatment.
Condylomata acuminata genital warts is,of course, a sexually transmitted disease caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV).
There are three basic ways of getting rid of genital warts (or any warts, for that matter). The first way is to destroy all of the tissue where the wart virus resides. This is usually done surgically by excising all of the warts or burning them off with electrocautery. We probably will not be doing this much in correctional facilities.
Effective Treatment for Genital Warts

Irritant Chemicals
The second approach is to apply an irritating chemical to the wart which works mainly by stimulating the patient’s immune system to recognize the diseased tissue and to destroy it. There are various irritant chemicals that can be used for this purpose: Trichloroacetic acid and podophyline mentioned by Aldo work, but podofilox, sinecatchins, and imiquinod are considered by dermatologists to be superior (and more expensive) agents. These chemicals are all quite irritating so they need to be meticulously applied. Many of them, like trichloracetic acid, should not be applied to the normal surrounding skin. One way to do this is to create a moat-barrier of vaseline around the wart before you apply the irritant. For a patient with a lot of warts, this can take quite a bit of time. Also, these agents should be applied often. Trichloroacetic acid is applied every 3 days. Podofilox is applied 2 times a day for 3 days then not applied for 4-7 days and then the cycle is repeated. Imiquod is applied 3 times a week for 8 weeks. Clearly the chemical agents are labor intensive.
In the outside world of dermatology, these agents are typically only used on patients who are considered reliable and careful enough to apply these chemicals themselves. This would not work in a correctional setting, of course. There is too much risk of patients doing it wrong or using the irritating chemicals in mischievous ways. However, to bring these patients into the prison clinic for each of these meticulous and time consuming applications takes too much of your time and effort. This is true of outside dermatology clinics, as well. Patients who are not good candidates for self-application of the chemicals are treated with the third treatment option, cryotherapy.
Surgery Treatment for Genital Warts
You may need surgery to remove larger warts, warts that don't respond to medications, or — if you're pregnant — warts that your baby may be exposed to during delivery. Surgical options include:
Freezing with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy). Freezing works by causing a blister to form around your wart. As your skin heals, the lesions slough off, allowing new skin to appear. You may need repeated cryotherapy treatments. The main side effects include pain and swelling.
Electrocautery. This procedure uses an electrical current to burn off warts. You may have some pain and swelling after the procedure.
Surgical excision. Your doctor may use special tools to cut off warts. You'll need local or general anesthesia for this treatment, and you may have some pain afterward.

Laser treatments. This approach, which uses an intense beam of light, can be expensive and is usually reserved for very extensive and tough-to-treat warts. Side effects can include scarring and pain.


Types of Genital Warts

There are different types of genital warts. Which treatment you require depends on the size and type of warts you have.
All of these different types are caused by the same virus - the HPV virus - and are also known as "condyloma" or "penile/venereal warts".
They look like skin-colored growths located in or around the genital and anal areas.
Types of Genital Warts

Most types of genital warts are painless and tend to appear in clusters. If you suffer from such warts you should get treated before having sex again as they are highly contagious.
Different Types Of Warts And Their Treatment
Genital warts are usually soft and moist and tend to appear in "groups" of three to four. Note however, that this differs between patients and that some people will only have one or two warts while others may develop a large number of individual growths. When the warts go unnoticed, they grow and form small cauliflower-shaped clusters that are flesh-coloured.
HPV And Types Of Warts
There are more than a hundred different strains of the human papilloma virus, only a couple of which are responsible for most types of genital warts (as well as anal warts). The majority of genital warts are caused by HPV types 6 and 11. These warts will usually grow for 6 months after which they tend to stop growing. Other strains of HPV can cause warts on your feet or hands, which are less contagious than genital warts. A few strains of HPV are classified as high-risk, as they can lead to specific cancers.
Itchy Or Bleeding Sores?
You might read that genital warts can cause "mild pain" and that they may feel itchy or bleed. In fact, this only happens in rare cases, when warts reach a considerable size and/or if you scratch them off. If you think you have a wart, avoid any scratching (to avoid bleeding), and consult your doctor instead.
Genital Warts In Women
The different forms of genital warts which affect women can appear in or around the vagina, vulva, anus or near the neck of the womb. Often, the warts are too small for you to see or notice. Warts inside the vagina or anus can cause discomfort but they may also not cause any symptoms at all.
Two out of three of cases of genital warts are near the vulva
One out of three cases of genital warts are inside the vagina
One out of three cases are between the vagina and the anus
One out of four cases are around the anus
One out of ten cases are on the cervix
One out of twenty five cases are at the opening of the urethra
Genital Warts In Men
In men, genital warts are not as common as in women. They often appear on the tip of the penis but they can also appear around the anus, especially when the virus is transmitted during anal sex. Most types of warts will appear between one to three months after infection.
If you think you are infected you should get examined to avoid complications and to prevent that you transmit the infection to future partners. In about half of all cases, genital warts appear on the shaft of the penis, usually just below the foreskin.
In one out of three cases, the genital warts are around the anus
In one out of ten cases , the genital warts are on the head of the penis
In one out of ten cases, the genital warts are inside the urethra
In one out of twelve cases, the genital warts are under the foreskin
In about one out of thirty cases, the genital warts appear between the anus and scrotum
In one out of a hundred cases, the genital warts are on the scrotum
Different Types, Different Treatments

Some types of genital warts – usually the smaller ones – are easier to treat than others. Similarly, warts growing on moist skin tend to respond better to treatment than those located on dry skin. Most types of warts can be treated with creams such as Warticon and Aldara. However, should the warts be persistent you need to see a dermatologist and consider other treatment options such as surgically removing them, using cryosurgery (freezing off the warts with liquid nitrogen) or laser treatment.

Early Signs and Symptoms of Genital Warts

Most people who have an HPV infection will not develop any visible warts. If genital warts do appear, it can be several weeks, months or even years after you first came into contact with the virus.
The warts may appear as small, fleshy growths, bumps or skin changes anywhere on the genitals or around the anus. In some cases, the warts are so small they are difficult to notice.
A person can have a single wart or clusters of multiple warts that grow together to form a kind of "cauliflower" appearance.
Warts in women
The most common places for genital warts to develop in women are:
around the vulva (the opening of the vagina)
on the cervix (the neck of the womb)
inside the vagina
around or inside the anus
on the upper thighs
Warts in men
The most common places for genital warts to develop in men are:
anywhere on the penis
on the scrotum
inside the urethra (tube where urine comes out)
around or inside the anus
on the upper thighs
Genital warts come in various sizes and shapes. Common symptoms of genital warts include:
Small bumps (up to 2-3cm for) that are skin-coloured and often grow in clusters forming a sort of cauliflower shape
Some people only have one or two warts. When these growths are located directly in the genital area, they are usually soft-to-the-touch and can be either raised or flat.
Most of the time, genital warts appear in moist areas (e.g. in or around the vagina, anus or groin) and do not cause discomfort or pain. In rare cases, they can be itchy, hurt a bit or bleed - especially if you scratch them.
Uncomfortable Symptoms
In rare occasions, a person will have an itching or burning sensation when they urinate or when they engage in sexual intercourse. This could be a sign of advance stages of genital warts or it could the signs and symptoms of another sexually transmitted disease or problem. Other symptoms of genital warts may include discharge, bleeding and irritation.
Determine if you Have Genital Warts

If there are little or no symptoms of genital warts, it is hard to determine if they are present or not. A doctor can do a visual examination; however, if they are not fully visible, he can use a vinegar based solution on the suspected area and if they are present, they will present themselves with the vinegar solution. If the genital warts are not visible and do not show up with the vinegar solution, the doctor can do a swab test and have it analyzed for presence of the genital warts. Sometimes nothing shows up, but if you have been in contact with an infected person, the doctor may ask you to come back for an additional exam at a later date. Remember, no signs and symptoms does not mean you do not have the disease.

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Genital warts and HPV ,What do you do

Genital warts look like small fleshy bumps or growths around the genital or anal area in men and women. They may not appear until up to a year after being infected.
Although genital warts are painless and not a threat to health, they can be a cause for concern and can be passed to sex partners.
HPV vaccinations are offered to girls at secondary school to help protect again genital warts.
Genital warts and HPV ,What do you do

What is human papilloma virus (HPV)?
HPV is a family of over 100 viruses that affect different parts of the body. Some strains of HPV cause warts on the feet, hands, and other parts of the body, while other strains are sexually transmitted and cause warts that affect skin in the genital area -- the vulva, vagina, cervix, rectum, anus, penis, or scrotum -- and in the mouth and throat. There are more than 30 strains of HPV that affect the genital area as well as the mouth and throat, and depending on the type of HPV involved, symptoms can be in the form of wart-like growths or abnormal cell changes that can be precancerous. The strains that affect the genital area or which can be transmitted to the mouth and throat during oral sex are the strains of HPV that will be discussed on this page.
When can HPV lead to cancer?
HPV is an infection which many people will contract, but only a small minority will have a lasting infection leading to cancer. This is because, in most cases, HPV (both low and high risk types) is cleared by the immune system. In a study of female college students, more than 90% of women infected with high risk HPV had cleared the infection 24 months later. The average time of infection is 4 to 20 months. Progression to pre-cancer occurs when infection with a high risk type persists over time and when normal cells in infected skin turn abnormal.
Infection with high-risk HPV types is a necessary but generally not a single or sufficient cause of HPV related cancers. Other factors which may contribute to developing cancer include smoking, nutrtional status, health of the immune system (e.g., HIV infection), and oral contraceptive use. Oral contraceptive users have a slightly increased risk of cervical cancer. This may be associated with lack of condom use when on the pill and lifetime number of partners, rather than any direct effect. There is insufficient evidence of a link to recommend discontinuation of oral contraceptive use in women with high-risk HPV infection.
How do I know if I have genital warts?
Like many STIs, HPV does not always have visible symptoms. However, when symptoms do occur, warts may be seen around the genital area. In women, warts can develop on the outside and inside of the vagina, on the cervix (the opening to the uterus), or around the anus. In men, they may be seen on the tip of the penis, the shaft of the penis, on the scrotum, or around the anus. Warts also can develop in the mouth or throat of a person who has had oral sex with an infected person.
Because there is no way to predict whether the warts will grow or disappear, people who suspect that they have been infected should be examined and treated, if necessary.
How are genital warts treated?

Unfortunately, no treatment can kill the virus that causes the warts. Your doctor can remove the warts by freezing or applying chemicals. Some prescription treatments are available for at home use. Surgery or laser therapy may be necessary for warts that are large or difficult to treat. Still, recurrence remains a problem. You may need to return to your doctor for more treatment.

Prevention of Genital Warts

The best way to prevent genital warts is to avoid sex or have sex with only one uninfected partner. Using condoms also may help to prevent infection. However, condoms can't always cover all affected skin. Factors that increase your risk of becoming infected include:
Having other STDs (because the risk factors are the same)
Multiple sex partners
Certain vitamin deficiencies
Medications or medical conditions that suppress the immune system, such as AIDS
If you have had genital warts, you should be tested for cervical cancer at least once every year. Cervical cancer can be prevented with regular screening (Pap smears), and can be cured in most cases when it is detected in early stages.
HPV vaccines can be helpful in preventing genital warts. There are currently two vaccines FDA approved and recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These are Gardasil and Cervarix. One of the vaccines, Gardasil, targets HPV types 6 and 11, the types of HPV that cause 90 percent of genital warts. Both Gardasil and Cervarix protect against the major cervical cancer-causing strains, 16 and 18. Cervarix and Gardasil are effective for girls 9 through 26 years old. Only Gardasil has been licensed for use in males.
Both vaccines are given as a set of three shots over six months. The vaccine will not cure existing infections.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that all 11- and 12-year-old American girls get the shots, although girls as young as 9 could receive it if they're sexually active. For "catch-up," the CDC also recommends that girls and women ages 13 to 26 be vaccinated against HPV, regardless of their Pap test results.
The vaccine works best before an individual has been exposed to HPV. Early vaccination provides the greatest chance of preventing cervical cancer and genital warts. Older girls and young women were included in the CDC recommendations because even if they've had some exposure to HPV, it may not be to the strains contained in the vaccine, so they'll they may get some protection.

Gardasil is licensed for males ages 9 through 26 years, and the CDC recommends the shots for boys aged 11 or 12 years and for males 13 through 21 years if they have not previously had the shots. Gardasil is also recommended for bisexual or gay men and men with compromised immune systems through age 26 if they have not previously had the shots.

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